County Committee Executive Board Meeting 11/12/15
Location: RWDSU Union Headquarters; 370 Seventh Avenue at West 31st Street
I. Call To Order
II. County Leader Wright’s update
- Thank you for re-election to County Leader position at the last meeting
- MTA recently made a statement saying 2nd Ave line construction of 125th St stop would be on hold due to lack of funds
- Uptown East side electeds met with Tom Prendergast the afternoon of Thursday, 11/12/15
- On Saturday, 11/14 the Manhattan County Party is holding a Democratic Debate Watch Party in tandem with the Hillary Clinton campaign at:
- Stitch Bar and Lounge; 247 w 37th St.
III. Secretary Yee’s update
IV. Presentation by Risa Sugarman, Chief Enforcement Counsel for NY State Board of Elections
For updates on the presentation, check out the tweets from @ManhattanDems below:
V. Adjournment
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