Minutes #3! Campaign Finance Presentation

County Committee Executive Board Meeting 11/12/15

Location: RWDSU Union Headquarters; 370 Seventh Avenue at West 31st Street

I. Call To Order

II. County Leader Wright’s update

  1. Thank you for re-election to County Leader position at the last meeting
  2. MTA recently made a statement saying 2nd Ave line construction of 125th St stop would be on hold due to lack of funds
  3. Uptown East side electeds met with Tom Prendergast the afternoon of Thursday, 11/12/15
  4. On Saturday, 11/14 the Manhattan County Party is holding a Democratic Debate Watch Party in tandem with the Hillary Clinton campaign at:
  5. Stitch Bar and Lounge; 247 w 37th St.

III. Secretary Yee’s update

View full size.

IV. Presentation by Risa Sugarman, Chief Enforcement Counsel for NY State Board of Elections

For updates on the presentation, check out the tweets from @ManhattanDems below:

V. Adjournment

Have questions? Email us at manhattandems@gmail.com.