For a brief video of how this process works, check out Secretary Yee’s “The Election You Never Heard Of“.
I. Meeting called to order by Jeanine Johnson at 3:05PM
II. Temporary Officer Appointments
Credentials chair Cathleen McCadden
Chief Teller Domenico Minerva
III. Credentials Chair Report
Quorum of 30% present
ED 13: 2 vacancies
ED 14: 1 vacancy
ED 15: 1 vacancy
ED 37: 2 vacancies
ED 38: 1 vacancy due to member not living in District
ED 43: 1 vacancy
ED 61: 1 vacancy due to member not living in District
ED 62: 1 vacancy due to member not living in District
ED 67: 1 vacancy
Jennie Low moves to approve the report
Seconded by Pedro cardi
Report approved
IV. Election of Permanent Officers
Paul Newell nominated Jeanine Johnson for Chair
Justin Yu seconds
Jeanine Johnson is elected by voice vote
Karen Blatt nominates Ben Yee secretary
Alice Cancel seconds
Ben Yee is elected by voice vote
V. Adoption of Rules
Domenico Minerva moves to adopt the rules
Chung Seto seconds
Rules adopted by voice vote
VI. Appointment of Committee to Fill Vacancies
Jenifer Rajkumar moves to appoint Domenico Minerva, Jeanine Johnson and Keith Wright
Rosie Mendez seconds
The appointments are approved by voice vote
— A point of order Point of Order is raised regarding county committee vacancy filling by Samuel Chiera —
There was a district Divisional meeting to fill vacancies before the meeting. However, the names were not submitted before 72 hour deadline.
An objection was filed by Samuel Chiera
VII. Nomination of Democratic Candidate for the 4/16 Special Election for the Vacant Assembly Seat in the 65th District
Speeches – speech order is alphabetical and was determined and agreed to prior to the meeting.
Alice Cancel – District Leader
Gigi Lee – Community Board 3 Chair
Paul Newell – District Leader
Yuh-Line Niou- withdrew candidacy
Jenifer Rajkumar – District Leader
If no candidate receives a majority voting on the first ballot, voting will continue in subsequent ballots. Candidate must receive at least 20% of the vote to pass to the next round of balloting.
VIII. Recess for Counting of the Vote
Speeches by representatives from the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigns
Clinton represented by Melissa Sklarz
Sanders represented by Arthur Schwartz
IX. Results
Alice Cancel wins in the nomination with 5,870 weighted votes
Paul Newell garners 1770.5 weighted votes
Jenifer Rajkumar garners 634.6 weighted votes
Yuh-Line Niou garners 93 weighted votes
X. Adjournment
Alice Cancel addresses and thanks attendees; moves to adjourn
Rosie Mendez seconds
meeting adjourns at 5:30PM