Chair: Curtis Arluck
Co Chair: Louise Dankberg
Membership: Each Assembly District may be represented by one of its District Leaders.
The Judicial Committee chooses organizations which designates members to a screening panel for judicial candidates. Organizations designate panelists, and panelists review judicial candidates, without party input.
I: Panel Administrator Search
Past administrators have been contacted and the committee is awaiting responses. A new Administrator interview date/time will need to be set due to the delay.
Committee members are welcome to submit candidates for Administrator.
A three year layover is required for Administrators and panelists. They may not serve back to back sessions.
A past Administrator was contacted mid-meeting and accepted the invitation to serve as Administrator again.
Since this candidate has served in the past, and most committee members are familiar with him, the Judicial Committee voted for an expedited interview process which would not require a meeting of the whole committee (though everyone is invited)
If approved name of the Administrator will be revealed in the official public notice for Judge Applicants in the Law Journal and on
The interview was tentatively scheduled for 2/10
II: Organization Outreach
Organizations which have agreed to designate a panelist
Asian Americans for Equality
Korean American Lawyers Assoc
Neighborhood Defenders of Harlem
NY State Defenders Assoc.
Organizations which have declined to designate a panelist
Columbia University Law School
All other organizations are pending a response
Requirement Review
At least 20 organizations should be represented
Organizations must be:
Sufficient affiliation with the County (Manhattan) (Usually satisfied by a local chapter)
Sufficient affiliation with the ideals of the Democratic Party
III: New Organization Applications
National Hispanic Bar Assoc.
Deputy VP Albert Barrueco, Attorney at Pepper Hamilton, addressed the committee
Organization wants to be considered for an invite to nominate a panelist
Local Chapter President is counsel to NYC Bar
Thousands of members nationally
Over one hundred members in the NYC area
Hispanic Bar invited by acclamation
IV: Organizational Designees
Alan Flacks submits Designee from Association of the Bar of City of New York (City Bar Assoc.)
Names of organization designees are not released prior to the convening of the panel to prevent lobbying by judicial applicants
V: Old Business (last week)
Committee voted to extend invitation to Nigerian Bar Assoc – but question: Does Nigerian bar have NY presence
Verified intent to invite Nigerian Lawyers Association not Nigerian Bar Association
Nigerian Lawyers Association found to have sufficient affiliation and invite extended by acclamation
Committee voted down extending invitation to National Bar Association (National African American bar)
The National Bar is represented in the NY region by Joseph Drayton
National Bar resubmitted by and voted up for extending an invitation by acclamation
VI: District vacancies in Judicial District 4, 6, 7
Judicial Screening Panels
District Leaders in the 6th, 7th and 9th are holding their own panels and soliciting groups for designees independently
The 9th is an incumbent judge and is non-competitive
The 4th is incorporating its screening panel with the County Independent Judicial Screening Panel
Judicial Applicants may go before multiple panels and all panels will use same application
VII: Current Timeline (subject to change)
2/17 Law Journal and online Notice for Judicial applicants
2/25 Designees appointed
2/25 Applications begin being accepted
A unified application for all panels is suggested and agreed to
3/9 Panel Convenes
- 5/5 Panel reports out