As we all act to readjust our everyday lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that we recognize that the lives and well-being of all are paramount. This includes the government employees tasked with ensuring free and fair elections in our modern democracy.
While elections are an essential part of society—especially in an important election year—we must be thoughtful about how we exercise democracy while protecting human life.
As stated by Keith L.T. Wright, County Leader of the Manhattan Democratic Party, “it’s time to shut down the Board of Elections offices, as a matter of public safety. People are dying. We need to end petition challenges now and let the hardworking staff at the Board of Elections focus on preparing for the June primary safely.”
The Manhattan Democratic Party calls on New York State—either through legislative action or executive order of the governor—to end all petition challenges for the 2020 election cycle; and ensure that government employees are fully protected against this virus and only called upon to provide truly essential services in preparation for our upcoming elections in June and November.